vEvents - VMware vSphere Events from the command-line

Another day, another Python project: vEvents - an application that allows you to view and monitor VMware vSphere Events from the command-line.

vEvents uses the vConnector wrapper module in order to retrieve and display VMware vSphere Events from the command-line.

Requirements of vEvents are listed below:

In order to install vEvents clone the vEvents Github repository and execute the command below:

$ sudo python install

Now, let’s see an example of using vEvents in order to monitor the VMware vSphere Events from the command-line.

First we configure our VMware vSphere host with vConnector, so that vEvents can connect to our VMware vSphere host.


For more information about vConnector and how to use it, please refer to the vConnector Github repository documentation.

Having our VMware vSphere host registered in the vConnector database we can now fire up vEvents and monitoring our VMware vSphere Events.


For more information and updates of vEvents, please refer to the vEvents Github repository.

Written on May 31, 2014