New release of cl-migratum available

A new version of cl-migratum has been released.


This release comes with some interesting new features, a summary of which you can find below.

  • New database driver migratum.driver.rdbms-postgresql has been contributed. Driver is based on hu.dwim.rdbms.
  • New migration resource kind has been implemented - :lisp. This migration resource allows you to invoke a regular Lisp function as part of the upgrade/downgrade process. With it you can handle more complex migrations from Lisp itself, rather than relying on SQL only.
  • New system for driver mixins has been committed - cl-migratum.driver.mixins. The new :lisp migration kind is one of the mixins provided by the system.
  • CLI application based on clingon and the core migratum systems has been created.
  • The core system has been refactored.

There are breaking changes with this release of cl-migratum, so make sure that you check the documentation and the changelog for more details.

Written on April 2, 2022