ASCII art Star Wars through Telnet

If you are a Star Wars fan and also like ASCII art, then you would really enjoy this one.

Just telnet(1) to and enjoy this piece of art :)

$ telnet

Recognize these guys?

                                    |oo )       Secret mission?    
                    ___            /  _  \                         
                   / ()\          //|/.\|\\                        
                 _|_____|_       ||  \_/  ||                       
                | | === | |      || |\ /| ||                       
                |_|  O  |_|       # \_ _/  #                       
                 ||  O  ||          | | |                          
                 ||__*__||          | | |                          
                |~ \___/ ~|         []|[]                          
                /=\ /=\ /=\         | | |                          

Now go ahead and start your Telnet session, sit back and enjoy it! :)

Written on October 25, 2012